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"Your Permanent Solution for Temporary Housing Nationwide!"™

PLRB - Property Loss Research Bureau
LIRB - Liability Insurance Research Bureau

Preferred Corporate Housing is an affiliate member of PLRB - Property Loss Research Bureau and LIRB - Liability Insurance Research Bureau and participate with their annual conferences, providing support, services and housing expertise to PLRB members.

When a disaster strikes, insurance adjusters are on the front line looking out for the needs of your policyholders. Preferred Corporate Housing assists insurance adjusters with temporary housing in a disaster area by providing fully furnished apartments located exactly where the adjuster requests. We assist with individual apartment needs as well as team mobilizations after a disaster. During the fall of 2005, Preferred Corporate Housing provided one client with over 325 apartments in multiple destinations around the Houston Metro area. ( read our disaster relief case study ).

The benefits of utilizing PCH furnished apartments


Speed is of utmost importance in the corporate housing industry due to the fast-paced nature of business and the immediate needs of professionals on temporary assignments or relocations. There are several reasons why speed plays a critical role in this industry.

Firstly, professionals often require temporary housing on short notice. Business travel plans can change suddenly, and employees may need to be relocated or temporarily stationed in a new city or country at a moment's notice. In such situations, corporate housing providers must be able to swiftly respond to these urgent requests and provide suitable accommodations within tight timeframes. The ability to offer prompt housing solutions ensures that professionals can seamlessly transition and focus on their work without unnecessary delays or disruptions.

Secondly, the corporate housing industry is highly competitive. Clients, such as companies and business travelers, have high expectations for quality and convenience. They expect fast responses and efficient service when searching for temporary housing options. Corporate housing providers that can deliver quick turnaround times in terms of inquiries, reservations, and move-ins gain a competitive edge. Speedy operations enable providers to secure bookings, satisfy client needs, and build a positive reputation for reliability and responsiveness.

Additionally, the duration of corporate housing stays is often limited. Professionals typically stay in temporary housing for a finite period, ranging from a few weeks to several months. This limited timeframe requires corporate housing providers to be swift in facilitating move-ins, move-outs, and any necessary adjustments during the stay. A delay in providing accommodations or responding to maintenance requests can result in dissatisfaction and negatively impact the overall experience for the client.

Furthermore, speed is crucial in handling the logistics of the corporate housing process. This includes managing contracts, paperwork, and coordination with property owners and landlords. Efficient and expedited processes ensure that the necessary agreements and arrangements are in place promptly, minimizing administrative burdens and ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for both the housing provider and the client.

Speed is essential in the corporate housing industry due to the time-sensitive nature of business travel, the need for prompt responses to inquiries and bookings, the competitive landscape, and the limited duration of stays. Being able to provide rapid and efficient housing solutions allows corporate housing providers to meet client expectations, maintain a competitive advantage, and deliver a seamless experience for professionals on temporary assignments or relocations.


Scalability is of great importance in the corporate housing industry due to the fluctuating demands and varying needs of clients. The ability to scale operations efficiently allows corporate housing providers to accommodate changing requirements and effectively handle increased or decreased demand. There are several key reasons why scalability is crucial in this industry.

Firstly, the demand for corporate housing can experience significant fluctuations based on factors such as business cycles, industry trends, and economic conditions. For instance, during peak business seasons or major corporate events, there may be a surge in the number of professionals requiring temporary housing. In contrast, during economic downturns or slower periods, the demand may decrease. Scalability allows corporate housing providers to quickly adapt to these fluctuations by increasing or decreasing their capacity to meet the changing needs of their clients.

Secondly, scalability is essential for maintaining consistent service quality. As the volume of clients and housing requirements fluctuates, it is crucial for providers to ensure that the quality of accommodations and customer service remains consistently high. By scaling their operations, providers can allocate resources effectively, maintain adequate staffing levels, and ensure that the necessary support systems are in place to deliver a seamless experience to clients, regardless of the demand volume.

Additionally, scalability enables corporate housing providers to expand into new markets and cater to clients in different locations. As companies increasingly operate on a global scale, there is a growing need for temporary housing solutions in various cities and countries. Scalability allows providers to establish a presence in new markets, acquire additional housing inventory, and adapt their operations to accommodate the unique requirements of different regions. This flexibility enables providers to offer a wider range of options to clients and expand their reach in the corporate housing industry.

Moreover, scalability plays a vital role in managing cost efficiency and maximizing profitability. By efficiently scaling operations based on demand, providers can optimize resource utilization, minimize wastage, and control expenses. This includes managing property portfolios, staffing levels, maintenance services, and administrative processes. Scalability allows providers to align their costs with revenue streams, ensuring that they can remain competitive and sustainable in the market.

Scalability is crucial in the corporate housing industry due to the dynamic nature of demand, the need for consistent service quality, the ability to expand into new markets, and the importance of cost efficiency. By effectively scaling their operations, providers can adapt to changing demand, maintain high service standards, explore new opportunities, and optimize profitability. This flexibility enables corporate housing providers to meet the diverse needs of their clients and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving industry.


Comfort is of paramount importance in corporate housing due to its direct impact on the well-being and productivity of professionals on temporary assignments or relocations. There are several key reasons why comfort is a crucial consideration in the corporate housing industry.

Firstly, temporary housing serves as a home-away-from-home for individuals and families during their stay. It is essential to create a comfortable and inviting environment that allows occupants to relax, unwind, and feel at ease. Comfortable furnishings, quality amenities, and thoughtful design elements contribute to a positive living experience, helping professionals maintain a healthy work-life balance and alleviate the stress that can come with frequent travel or relocation.

Secondly, comfort plays a significant role in promoting productivity and well-being. Professionals often have demanding work schedules and high-pressure responsibilities. Having a comfortable and supportive living space allows individuals to recharge and rejuvenate after long workdays, ensuring they can perform at their best. Features such as comfortable beds, ergonomic workstations, and amenities like fitness centers or recreational areas contribute to overall well-being and help professionals maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Furthermore, comfort in corporate housing also impacts the overall satisfaction and retention of employees. When companies invest in providing comfortable accommodations for their employees, it demonstrates a commitment to their well-being and contributes to employee morale. Satisfied employees are more likely to feel valued, motivated, and engaged, which can lead to increased productivity and loyalty to the organization. Comfortable corporate housing can also be a factor in attracting top talent, as professionals prioritize a positive living experience when considering job opportunities.

Moreover, comfort extends beyond physical aspects and includes the level of service and support provided by the corporate housing provider. Responsive and attentive customer service, 24/7 maintenance assistance, and quick resolution of any issues or concerns contribute to the overall comfort of residents. A reliable and supportive housing provider ensures that professionals feel cared for and can rely on a comfortable living environment throughout their stay.

Comfort is of utmost importance in corporate housing due to its impact on well-being, productivity, satisfaction, and employee retention. Creating a comfortable living environment that supports relaxation, promotes productivity, and provides excellent service is crucial for the success of professionals on temporary assignments or relocations.

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